This pessimist – a dissident from the optimistic camp, after a good dose of information extract with his gut – knows and pays careful attention to the aberrations of which man has been capable. For example, he considers the slaughter of christians and their terrible death in the roman circuses, devour by lions. He remembers the huns, and can almost see attila’s hordes, and his horse treading the grass that he will never sprout again. Think about the cruelty of religious wars and the fierceness demonstrat by the christian church in persecuting alleg heretics, and its clos-mindness in hindering the free movement of scientific research. Remember how he forc galileo to recant,
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Between brooms and confessionals (and in his memory the good-natur image emerges behind which contemporary pophiles in cassocks hide). Remember how he forc galileo to recant, condemning him to death and then commuting his sentence to an arrest that forc him to live lock up in his own house until his death, and how he threw giordano bruno and so many others to the stake, just for harboring ideas. That crack the rock of ecclesiastical dogma. He remembers the borgias hatching intrigues between brooms b2b email list and confessionals (and in his memory the good-natur image emerges behind which contemporary pophiles in cassocks hide). Remember how he forc galileo to recant, condemning him to death and then commuting his sentence to an arrest that forc him to live
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Lock up in his own house until his death, and how he threw giordano bruno and so many others to the stake, just for harboring ideas. That crack the rock of ecclesiastical dogma. He remembers the borgias hatching intrigues between brooms and CY Lists confessionals (and in his memory the good-natur image emerges behind which contemporary pophiles in cassocks hide). He knows how napoleon manag to seize the french government and then terrorize europe, and how, before that, the french revolution, which establish the principles rais by pride as well as naive enlightenment. Not only implement against its political adversaries with singular zeal the terror of the