You can definitely keep iterating and making sure

see how the recut does. Dan: I like that. These metrics basically force you to – they keep you honest.


 They force you to make sure that

the video is actually good . not just “good enough.” Jennifer: You can definitely keep iterating and making sure that you’re catering to your audience with video . which I don’t think a lot of people do. They think . “Okay . I made one .


 it’s not that great . that’s it.” But there’s also nothing wrong about using your webcam or your iPhone to film . either. You just need to consider your audience’s time and you have to get the edit right. So I find like some people think they need a talking head for seconds .


 you know But even that . you’ve got

to break up with B roll and keep it interesting. Yo Brunei Email List u just want to make sure that your content delivers the most value possible. Dan: I think that’s what it’s all about . right Delivering as much value possible. Jennifer: Yup. Dan: Yup. All right .

 well . I’m gonna go get myself a monkey sweater

so I’ll let you go. Jennifer: Excellent. Dan: Thanks so  mu Ciudad Real: Uncover the Heart of La Mancha ch for taking the time to chat . Jen. Jennifer: Thank you. Stephanie: That was Jennifer Pepper. Her title has changed since the time of recording . and she is now ’s Customer Success Content Strategist.


 You can find her blog post and this episode’s show

notes at .com/podcast. So we’re six months into the production of Call to Action and we’d really love to hear what you think. Do you like the format What do you think about our guests And what do you want to hear more of So if you have a sec .


 please drop us an email at [email protected]. That’s your call to action. Thanks for listening! Transcript by GMR Transcription April Episode default author image About Stephanie Saretsky Stephanie Saretsky is a former multimedia producer at . Producing projects like the Call to Action podcast and The Landing Page Sessions by day and a radio DJ by night .


 she is a lover of all things multimedia

. Find her on Twitter: @msbeansie » More blog posts by Stephanie Saretsky Explore Posts Landing pages AI marketing Digital content Digital marketing Conversion optimization Campaign strategy Lead generation Ecommerce CONNECT Take the Builder for a Spin Get an interactive preview of the Builder—no signup needed. Start Your Free -Day Trial Get full feature access to any plan with a -day trial.


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