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Impacts engagement. For that well ne to create two segments one for visitors who watch the videos and another for visitors who dont. Then we can compare. Step 6 Click + next to SEGMENTS and the click User segment screenshot of the user segment Step 7 Name the segment. Ill call mine Video Watchers. Step 8 Set the segment to Include Users when video_start is greater than zero. This segment will only include data for visitors who trigger the video_start event. Note This works even if you dont set the event count to zero.

Just pick an event

And GA4 will assume that you want to see the users who trigger that event. So helpful this Analytics tool! Your GA4 segment should look like this screenshot of the video watchers segment Notice that even before you save the business lead segment there is interesting data here. On the right you can see what percentage of all of your users click a play button. In this account its 1.6% Step 9 Click Save and Apply Next well make the second segment for visitors who didnt watch any YouTube videos. Step 10 Click + next to SEGMENTS and the click

User segment

Step 11 Name the segment. Ill call mine Video NonWatchers. Step 12 Set the segment to Exclude Users when video_start is greater than zero This segment will only include data for visitors who did NOT trigger the video_start event. Youll ne to click + Add condition  CY Lists group button in the r exclude box and click the garbage can button in the green Include box. Your GA4 segment should look like this screenshot of the video non watchers segment Notice the mini report on the right. In this account for this date range 98.2% of visitors

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