Young team always looking for new stimuli, your compass is pointing in the right direction, you are on our page. Here we all call each other by name, even our customers. For us, every job is an identity, a set of people and products, which we get to know well, over time . Digital transformation of the company: the role of the agency GUIDO MARABINI – 19 JULY 2023 Digital transformation of the company In the digital transformation of Italian companies, among the various roles that must be carri out by third parties, agencies probably have the most important one.
They can support companies in
Identifying areas of innovation and risk, in building a digital transformation strategy and in finding the right partners , both suppliers and country email list other agencies, who can help support these transformations. Agencies are capable of doing all this. In this article we will see what type of services agencies can provide in the field of marketing and communications, what their main advantages are and whether it is worth hiring them or not. Define a digital transformation strategy Digital transformation of the company .
The first step for an agency is to sit down
with the client and define the right strategy for an effective digital transformation , the objective of which is the growth of the company , from a branding or commercial point of view. This means looking at the company’s current situation, its resources and capabilities, the nes and requirements of the market, and what it is trying to achieve. The transformation process must answer two key questions: where and how. CY Lists Where it means understanding which are the best areas of innovation and risk to focus on, and how it means defining the best approach for each of them. Only at this point can agencies begin to find the right partners and those who can support this transformation. At this stage the presence of consumers must not be overlook.