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That we can see shining in the pupils of human beings when they are still in the flower of the childhood. It is, i say it again, about the one who feels his faith in our species fading and embraces, after this bath of awakening enlightenment, the lucid pessimism of someone who is well aware of what the human animal is capable of.and of hell that in a couple of seconds can be unleash by the fury of the elements of a planet that has given us life and also pain and death. This is the paradoxical pessimist that benetti outlines in those three verses: one who has cover his original optimism with a thick patina of vital information about the

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Existence that was our lot in this cosmic lottery. And although it is very difficult for a pessimist of this type to believe in the possibility of authentic change, and must make a particular effort to entertain hope and believe in the emergence of a truly human world, this same pessimist business lead should not think that he is necessarily doom . To immobility, which is abandon to despair and total discouragement , but it may well be the case that he faces this rot with resolution. “let’s live,” he says (or could say), “let’s embark on projects, let’s try to change this world,” and even though he secretly suspects that nothing in essence is going to change,

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Perhaps all is not lost.” this attitude – to complicate the issue a bit – could also be call tragic optimism, a mood very similar to that which gives its tone to the pessimist mention by benetti. This tragic optimism is what we find in the midst of the greek wisdom of heroic times exhibiting a peculiar trait: the greek of those dawn times suspect that life had no meaning, but he also thought that it was worth living . This strange mood, because it is somber and celebrates, at the same time, a destiny that seem uncertain CY Lists and painful, is very well portray in the legend of silenus, which nietzsche records in a passage from the birth of tragy .the story is more or less like this. King midas, obsess with catching silenus – the dissolute and wise little god of wine –, after much trying, one day achieves his goal.

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