Invest in training and tools to boost your team

Now that you know how to calculate the commission, keep in mind that. Your team needs adequate training and tools so that productivity is high and the stipulated results are achieved. Investing in training and qualification, for example, is a way to keep sellers up to date on market trends. In addition, courses, workshops and lectures are also essential for them to optimize their customer approach techniques, better understand the sales funnel and much more. Here you can find 7 tips for having a high-performance sales team. So, make a plan and present it to all team members so that they are aligned with the defined points regarding the payment of commissions.

Focus on making more

Regarding tools, invest in software that will optimize the day-to-day work and allow the seller to focus on making more and more sales. Which consequently will make him receive better commissions. An example of a tool is a CRM platform that allows you to organize all information about customers, has features that automate day-to-day Greece WhatsApp Number List tasks and facilitates the operation of all team members. Zendesk Sell , for example, is a sales CRM that includes all of this and more. With it, it is possible to calculate commissions, monitor customer prospecting, control sales, generate real-time reports, monitor KPIs, analyze the purchase journeys of each consumer and much more.



On how to calculate commission

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