Employees who to work in the north will receive allowances according to the certificates by the original work unit from the first month of entry into the new company.
Regarding the northern allowance and the regional coefficient,
The regional coefficient is also on the employee’s salary, but various remuneration, bonuses, sick leave, etc. Are
Citizens work in areas with an area facto
According to td, the salary is 10,000 rubles.
Ten thousand rubles * euro ten thousand rubles.
If wages, allowances and bonuses are in the td, they are all as the calculation basis.
Thousand rubles – salary; thousand rubles – stipend.
Area factor looks like this:
An organization located in an area of cs employs an Bahrain WhatsApp Number List employee who has lived in the area for 2 years (he is entitled to a % northern allowance). Salary – , ruble, area factor – (%), bonus ,
Interesting! In norway, the national oil fund was established to smooth out fluctuations in mineral sales revenue and to finance pensions (benefits). Oil is the property of the people, and oil revenue is also public property.
The calculation of the northern allowance for the far north and its equivalence are out according to the coefficient of one of the groups. Each of them has its own perks. Groups and groups with a surcharge of % and % refer to the far north. Group and group (surcharge % and %) – region equivalent to cs.
Let’s see how much the be sure CY Lists to northern territory stipend is, its accrual and receipt.