use XOVI? Manual in Spanish of the new

What is XOVI? XOVI Suite is an all-in-one tool that analyzes numerous aspects of a website’s SEO and an online marketing strategy in general. Among the main uses that we can give it are the following: Get ideas for new keywords. Monitor the positions of our main keywords. Therefore, perform an in-depth On-page audit. Optimize SEO texts. Detect negative links. Monitor the links created. Control internal links. Analyze activity on social networks. Detect and analyze Google Adwords ads. Analyze the competition. Create custom reports and perform automatic shipments, etc.

On-page analysis

You may also be interested in: What email contact list is it and how is an SEO Audit done step by step? How to start using XOVI? With XOVI you can analyze any domain, whether it is your own or your competition’s. Therefore, you just have to Therefore, sign up for a 14-day free trial account (by clicking on the following image) or log in and enter the domain name you choose in the top bar and click “GO”. Xovi Suite! The All-In-One SEO Tool In this case, she will give you some domain information such as: The key words. The links. Online visibility. Competitors, etc. Therefore, if you want to do an On-page audit of the domain or a report you can start by making a project.

Social networks

Domain Analysis How to create a CY Lists project with XOVI? Creating a project in XOVI is really simple. You just have to go to the blue folder at the top left and click “create project”. Next, the tool will  show you the steps to follow. ► Step 1: choose the domain and type of analysis I recommend that you enter the domain without “www” here so that it can analyze it completely and choose the search engine. ► Step 2: domain verification Here XOVI verifies the domain to give the project a name. ► Step 3: sample of competitors In this section the competitors that she has found by default appear.

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