If a child gets a travel passport for the first time at the age

This situation is especially important for minors.  of six months, it will naturally require a new passport at the age of six. Therefore, for children, it is recommended to release in the old generation, with a design time of years.
Corrupted or missing files require new files. In the second case, you need to draw up and submit an application to the nearest police station before going to the immigration department. In case of loss during a trip abroad, you should contact the nearest russian federation diplomatic mission. There are three options
For how to reissue an application for renewal :

Individual complaints are lodged

directly with the territorial department of the general directorate of internal affairs of the ministry of the interior.

Mfc. You can apply for a passport renewal at the mfc. You can apply to Brazil WhatsApp Number List any agency in your area. The procedure itself is no different from visiting the general directorate of internal affairs of the ministry of internal affairs. If you need to apply for a biometric passport, the center staff will take a photo of themselves (but not all mfcs ha


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ve this function), provide an application form, fill in and accept a package of documents. In return, the citizen receives a letter of admission and is informed of the deadline by which

The should come to the general directorate

of internal affairs of the ministry of the interior to collect his passport.

Government service website. Applications for passport renewals can also be submitted through the state services website. Those who have an account on the portal and wish to use their personal account will need to have all submitted be sure CY Lists to documents translated into electronic format.

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