Application for decree extension – sample

It is best to carry out the action in advance, as the. Director may not be available at the time of the appeal. No order and absence of women leads to absenteeism.

Whether the decree can be for years. If the child doe. Not attend kindergarten – this is a question of interest to most young mothers . It is worth noting that under federal law no. 1, maternity leave can be up to years, but only at the discretion of the head of the company.

The decree may be for up to or a maximum of years if. The employee can provide relevant documentation confirming that the extension is indeed . There are mainly

The following points

The lack of places in kindergartens does not affect the Estonia WhatsApp Number List extension of the act to years.
If your child is in poor health, you can take care of your child for an extended period of time. For example, babies are bo


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rn prematurely and therefore often get sick and are with serious health problems. The child needs extra care and cannot be sent to kindergarten.
After delivery, the mother’s condition . labor and comorbidities can lead to recovery requiring rest.
In this case, to write a decree extension application, you need to submit a certificate from the vkk (medical advisory board). Without it, the manager will not consider the application.

Extending maternity

Leave to years is not possible – this is not taken into account at the legislative level. Managers don’t want to extend the baby’s care because they are to do so and see no need to keep the workplace, even though sure CY Lists to they don’t pay.

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